Project Summary
Up to 315 billion yen
CO2 Reduction Effect (World)
- In 2030
- Approximately 7 million tons/year
- In 2050
- Approximately 400 million tons/year
Economic Effect (World)
- In 2030
- Approximately 0.3 trillion yen
- In 2050
- Approximately 5.5 trillion yen
Research and Development Targets
Hydrogen supply costs
- In 2030
- 30 yen/Nm3
- In 2050
- 20 yen/Nm3
Assumptions regarding estimates of CO2 reduction effect and economic effect
- 1 million tons of hydrogen will be supplied by the international hydrogen supply chain in 2030, and 55 million tons of hydrogen will be traded worldwide in 2050.
- Hydrogen provided through international hydrogen supply chains is expected to be used for hydrogen power generation.
- Hydrogen is expected to replace imported natural gas, which emits less CO2 than other fossil fuels such as oil and coal, with equivalent heat values.
- Economic impacts have been calculated on the basis of average hydrogen supply costs: 30 yen/Nm³ in 2030 and 100 yen/kg in 2050.
Research and Development Targets
(Reference) Breakdown of liquefied hydrogen supply costs